Marketing Automation Agency

The marketing automation agency Sales Odyssey supports you in setting up an effective marketing automation strategy. Having an audience and qualified traffic is good, but converting this traffic into a business opportunity is better and that's what marketing automation will do for you. For us, it is also a powerful lever for alignment between the marketing and sales teams.

Hire the best Marketing Automation agency
Marketing Automation Agency

Hiring a marketing automation agency to what end?

Here's why:

3 figures to understand the challenges of marketing automation

50 %

of a customer's purchase decision process is done online without discussion with your teams.

33 %

This is the reduction in the cost of acquisition observed by companies that have deployed lead nurturing

67 %

Marketing managers say they use a marketing automation tool.

Do you need a marketing automation agency?

Dans cette vidéo, nous vous expliquons pourquoi ça n’a jamais été aussi complexe de vendre et l’importance de créer le bon processus de vente.

Does your website generate enough leads each month?

This is probably the most obvious question, a website must generate revenue. This is true regardless of the industry. If your site does not generate it, it is either that you do not have traffic, or that you do not know how to convert it, or both. In any case, marketing automation can be a tool to set up inbound marketing and finally generate turnover.

Are you able to easily identify your most engaged visitors?

A good content marketing strategy will allow your website to attract and educate your visitors to prepare them for your products and services. The challenge is then to identify the most engaged leads on your site to entrust them to your sales team. This is what marketing automation will allow, in particular thanks to lead scoring.

Do you know the profile of your website visitors?

Your content marketing is a hit, you generate many visitors each month. Congratulation ! Who are they ? If you can't answer this question, it's probably because you lack a real marketing automation strategy, a strategy that will allow you to better qualify your audience and identify those who will become your future customers.

Is your nurturing strategy clear and effective?

Sending emails as part of a marketing automation strategy is very effective. This is particularly the case when you use emails as part of lead nurturing, but poorly designed, lead nurturing can do more harm than good!

How to choose your marketing automation agency?

Structurer son développement commercial est vital pour la croissance de votre entreprise. Trouver une agence de conseil c’est facile, mais devant la multitude d’acteurs comment faire son choix ? On vous propose trois astuces, celles que l’on s’applique, eh oui nous aussi ça nous arrive de nous faire accompagner ;-).

Trusted Process

Ok, you have found an agency that offers you great lead magnets and an extraordinary marketing automation solution. But do they apply what they are offering you? If not, there are only two possibilities: they do not believe in what they are doing, or they do not really know how to do it.

Proven Results

If they apply the same strategy, what are their results? Do you like this strategy? It seems basic and yet it is the best way to be sure that you are making the right choice.

The Right Partner

A good marketing automation agency will accompany you for a long time, throughout your growth in fact. Ask yourself if you want to work with them! There are loads of agencies, pick the one you want to stay with.

STOP ! Take a deep breath.

You are deep in the weeds of your own marketing strategy and you don't know what you don't know. Give us a shot. let us help you solve your issues and get your marketing to the next level. You are one form away from getting the results you want.

Contact us
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The challenges addressed by our automation marketing agency

Winning when there are already so many players and resources involved

This is one of the main worries when it comes to content marketing. How to win when people are already well established on search engines and social networks. We've beaten content companies that generate more than 100 times our revenue. No place is impregnable.

When it comes to content marketing, the important thing is not to participate

Doing content marketing “to see”, by publishing 3 or 4 articles without a strategy, systematically leads to the same thing: Nothing. This is one of the biggest challenges, content marketing cannot work if you don't size your strategy correctly. It is our job to assess the right dose, the one that will present the best return on investment.

Content marketing must generate revenue, not just look pretty on Analytics

Generating traffic is very easy. Generating turnover is much less so. Our team is interested in this second point, content marketing must be a generator of business, not a simple showcase for your brand image.

Content marketing takes time

Producing content with high added value is time-consuming and it is a job. We accompany you throughout this process, from the editorial strategy to the distribution of content through its writing.

So... what do a marketing automation agency actually do?

She automates stuff. Or not. Marketing automation, like many current marketing concepts, is not a magic wand that will bring fame and wealth without working just because you pay every month for a wonderful tool to boost AI and chatbot. It is a tool that makes it easier to complete the tasks necessary to convert a visitor into a customer.

Inbound marketing strategy

Marketing automation is a tool that makes the application of inbound marketing much easier. Without a solid foundation of inbound marketing, marketing automation is useless. On a solid base, it will accelerate your growth beyond your expectations.

Content strategy

Content strategy

The key to inbound marketing is content, without content you can't get anything. Neither visitor nor customer. You must create an effective content strategy designed to attract, educate and convert your visitors into customers.

Content Distribution

Content Distribution

Once the content is created, you need to expose it to your target. There has never been as much leverage as today to distribute content: SEO, SEA, social selling, digital communication. The best content in the world is only useful if it is seen.

Creation of landing pages and premium content

Creation of landing pages and premium content

Of course, you can't just produce content and hope that your readers will self-qualify and always contact you spontaneously. This is where premium content (also called lead magnets) will come in handy. We support you in identifying, creating and distributing them via dedicated landing pages.

Implementation of a marketing automation tool

There are many marketing automation tools, we have our favorites, but we're not here to push you for a solution that's unsuitable for your needs. The right tool is the one that allows you to effectively achieve your goals.

Technical deployment and configuration

Technical deployment and configuration

Of course we deploy the marketing automation tool in order to make it operational and to connect it to your ecosystem. We will also configure all the elements necessary to identify your contacts, segment your database, create effective forms, landing pages and pop-ins. Finally, we deploy lead scoring rules when necessary.

Creation of e-mailing campaigns

Creation of e-mailing campaigns

We support you in creating your nurturing loops to engage and convert your visitors. We write email campaigns and train you to understand how to use them well and modify them independently.

Training in the use of the platform

Training in the use of the platform

Our goal, as with all our support, is to help you progress. We do not seek to create dependency, you directly own all the administrative rights of your instance and we train you so that you no longer need us. However, rest assured, we will always be there to help you if needed!

What they say about us

A very committed team providing top-notch customer service with a clever mix of professionalism, genuine active listening and the right advisory attitude.What else can you ask for? Trust Sales Odyssey with your marketing issues, you won't be disappointed
Lionel Mathieu

Founder & CEO - Loft-440

Competence, advice, efficiency, responsiveness, follow-up, listening, kindness: Sales Odyssey has offered us all the ingredients necessary for quality professional support. Thanks to them !
Stéphanie Miglierina

Founding Partner - HAXXOM & Le Monde de la Sécurité

Professional, efficient, recommend to your network!
Joan Poillet

Sales Director - Les Domaines de fontenille

A pro, responsive and reliable team. Very satisfied with our cooperation with Sales Odyssey, who was able to advise us on our web marketing strategy, while respecting our development objectives. All in a relaxed, top-notch atmosphere!
Florence Chevalier

Marketing Director - Le Mans événements

Very professional and available agency. An approach adapted to our request, precise advice, a great team!
Maximilien Wecxsteen

CEO - Sooyoos Agency

I called on SO's services three times, of course, very satisfied with each intervention! Great team at SalesOdyssey, efficient, competent and smiling. Cream of the crop 😀
Clément Gippet

CEO - Kweerty agency

Very good skills and serious work ethic! I recommend!
Mikaël Dumortier

CEO - ImmoproLyon

Professional, efficient, recommend to your network!
Joan Poillet

Sales Director - Les Domaines de fontenille

They hired Sales Odyssey for their marketing automation needs

Do you have an ambitious marketing strategy? Want to boost your business efficiency? Or are you a little lost and trying to structure your growth strategy? You are in the right place.

STOP! Take a deep breath.

You are deep in the weeds of your own marketing strategy and you don't know what you don't know. Give us a shot. let us help you solve your issues and get your marketing to the next level. You are one form away from getting the results you want.

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Frequently Asked Questions: Marketing Automation Agency Sales Odyssey

Do you still have questions about marketing automation?

Why hire a marketing automation agency?

Do you have a white paper and you think it's the absolute weapon for marketing automation? You need us. More seriously, marketing automation is at the crossroads between very diverse skills in web development, content marketing, sales, or even inbound marketing. This expertise is created through experience and numerous tests. Agencies take advantage of their experience accumulated over dozens and dozens of different companies.

Can I trust your expertise?

Yes. More seriously, better than a promise, a thousand and one references or a game of lying poker. Everything we recommend, we apply to ourselves. So you have all the elements you need to see that we know what we are doing. Check out our blog, if you haven't already 😉.

There are other experts, why contact your agency?

Oh yeah, I hadn't thought of that, damn. There are lots of agencies and some are very competent, so I will only have two “tips” to help you. Trust only those who really believe in what they sell and those whose way of marketing and selling you like. If it's us, we'll be delighted, if it's not us, too.

What has four legs in the morning, two at noon and three at night?

Human being. This is the enigma that the sphinx proposed to Oedipus in Greek mythology. The rest of the story is pretty creepy so we'll spare you. It was to see if you were following ;-).

Learn what we do as a Marketing Automation Agency

Read these in-depth articles to learn about Marketing Automation